Prospects instead of Catastrophe
On July 7th CATERPILLAR informed its employees at the facilities in the cities of Kiel, Henstedt-Ulzburg and Rostock by presenting a 7 minute short clip that the engine production in Germany will be discontinued by the end of 2022.
This puts 930 Jobs acutely at risk.
The company has not complied with legal requirements that bind it to inform the works council and the economic committee, nor has it allowed questions to be asked about company´s decision. This is a reckless policy and indecent towards employees.
After repeatedly accepting destructive measures and cuts in recent years and after concluding a social collective agreement in Kiel in December 2020, which was intended to secure the future of the plants and jobs in long term, this drastic decision is indecent and outrageous.
Once these jobs are lost, they will never return! Kiel would lose one of its most important and longest standing industrial enterprise and with it hundreds of jobs. These Jobs would also be lost in Henstedt-Ulzburg and Rostock, and more than 600 supplier companies with close economic ties to CATERPILLAR would be at risk.
If we want to shape this change and deal with mobility issues in a socially and ecologically, responsible way, we need good industrial Jobs and people´s know-how. That is why this is about CATERPILLAR, but also about the future of manufacturing at fair conditions in Germany.
We call upon CATERPILLAR
- To develop new strategies for the sites together with work councils and IG Metall in order to secure the future of these sites and jobs!
- To give up the deadlock and at least make a sale possible!
We call on all political authorities, business partners, customers and suppliers
- To contact the company and ask to negotiate with works councils and IG Metall about alternative concepts for the plants
- To use all available options to influence CATERPILLAR´s decision!
- To develop new strategies for the CATERPILLAR employees and the sites!
Noch immer macht uns die Nachricht der Konzernleitung fassungslos, dass 155 Jahre Caterpillar/MAK 2022 ein Ende haben sollen. Wir werden für den Standort, die Arbeitsplätze und die Beschäftigten kämpfen – Unsere Forderung ist, dass wir eine Zukunftsperspektive für die Standorte CAT Motoren Kiel, CCK Gießerei Kiel, CAT Logistik Henstedt-Ulzburg und CAT Motoren Rostock brauchen. Unter dem Slogan Perspektive statt CATastrophe bauen wir gemeinsam Druck auf, um nicht als Spielball eines Global Players zu enden!
Mit deiner/ ihrer Unterschrift und gerne auch persönlichen Wünschen zeigen wir gemeinsam – wer kämpft kann verlieren – wer nicht kämpft hat schon verloren.
We are still stunned by the news from the group management that 155 years of Caterpillar/MAK are to come to an end in 2022. We will fight for the site, the jobs and the employees – Our demand is that we need a future perspective for the sites CAT Motoren Kiel, CCK Gießerei Kiel, CAT Logistik Henstedt-Ulzburg and CAT Motoren Rostock. Under the slogan perspective instead of CATastrophe we build up pressure together in order not to end up as a plaything of a global player!
With your signature and also your personal wishes we show together – who fights can lose – who does not fight has already lost.